Thursday, 1 July 2010

I'm ready to meet you mr bump!

So I made it through the 1st of July 2010. My 5th wedding anniversary. And I was ok. I woke up consumed and miserable. But I went about my day distracting myself with getting the last few things ready for the pending delivery. This morning I had a cry over my cereal, I found myself saying out loud "we didn't even make it to five years!". I wondered about posting up a wedding photo but I thought that might be a tad too self indulgent.

I have high hopes for going into labour soon (PLEASE !). July 2nd is the crossover date for mr bump to be the oldest in his year rather than the youngest so I'm very pleased with that. Well done mr bump, now HURRY UP, because I am so freaking uncomfortable and sore! I'm getting a nice wee cervical sweep in the morning. I'm a little scared but thankfully my body is too concerned with the idea of not being pregnant to care about what pain I might have to go through to get to that state.

Thank you all for the comments. I find it astounding that you are all out there reading and caring about my little life. Astounding and affirming. Cheers.

I do look forward to being able to post a few trivial little outfit posts in the future. I have been keeping myself alarmingly busy these last few weeks. A particularly fun evening was spent at the advent of Pecha Kucha Night in Belfast. Met some really interesting people and got to cheer on some friends too. If there is a Pecha Kucha in your city, I strongly encourage you to attend. Here is a little explanation as to what exactly it is.
I'm a little stuck to know what photo to post so here is just a wee snapshot of a fun night out for dinner with some top ladies. It's now 2am and I feel quite sick at the thought of being awoke by a hungry toddler in the morning (nevermind the cervical sweep) so g'night!


Jen said...

A cervical sweep sounds decidedly uncomfortable - good luck! And hurry up mr bump!!

perdido said...

Great pic - beautiful ladies - glad you're out and about and not sitting around moping - way to go!

Eva Marie said...

ooo how I do not miss thee cervical sweep - but lets hope it brings your Mr Bump :)

Bryn said...

Hoping Mr. Bump makes his appearance soon (if he hasn't already!)

Bryn said...

Just checking in to see if Mr. Bump has made his internet debut! Hope all is well with all of you!

maggie may said...

everything you post, i consume. i think i have a serious problem. i bet i bug you, but wish i could go shopping with you in belfast or eat yummy nutella with you in your new kitchen.