Thursday, 3 February 2011

If you ever thought I was cool, let me correct you on that...

Just over a week ago my aforementioned Pecha Kucha talk went live on vimeo. I've hmmd and haad as to wether i'd share the video here. Watching it makes me shudder, my voice is all shakey, some of my photos are really bad, I sound like a wannabe and there is definitely a point where I sound like a psychopathic ex-wife. But sure, in the interest of being more authentic. Here I am in moving pictures:

PKN Belfast 2: Curiosity – Alli Steen Magee from atto on Vimeo.


Alissa said...

Well done!

blogiston said...

Hey, is 'zat some kind of cute accent you got? Like Scotch or Gaerlic or somewhere?

Eyeliah said...

good job!

esther said...

Very brave of you! And you don't seem psychopathic at all!!!

EllieMae said...

Well done Alli, was lovely to hear your voice. You did a great job, were very interesting. I was disappointed to see no signs of psychotic incidents.

moosmamma said...

I would love to give you and your blog an award... just head on over here to pick it and copy paste the award to your own blog should you choose to accept just do as I have done above... or something like that :) Congrats to you... but most of all thank-you for your beautiful heartfelt posting, keeping it real, and inspiring me by opening up your hearts and souls here in bloggy land :)