Being single again means I am again feeling the pressure society puts on us all to couple up. I do the best I can to dismiss this pressure. I tell myself at least a handful of times each day that I must learn to be happy alone, that I can't just spend my days waiting for someone to make me happy, I must find happiness within. And I'm getting there, somedays, sometimes.
Besides, knights in shining armour do not exist. I know that now.
So I dress myself in my own armour. Made up with the mantras of modern day womanhood
who needs a man anyway
enforced with a (debatably) healthy dose of cynicism
they just cheat
and then for maximum self defense I build a bullet proof vest of self doubt
at least they do on me
From behind my shield I whisper.... When will I just be held again?....Kissed?
When will I offload my armour, strip off the 'Mum' costume I sport everyday and just be figuratively (and literally) naked and yet not alone.
I pay lip service to the advantages of singledom. I tell myself this is just the way I want it.
But really
When lovers kiss in movies
I look away.